I use a lot of peel and stick letters. I've found that you can find sticker letters cheap at discount or dollar stores and alter them to fit your needs. I buy them even if they are odd ball colors and then use my markers to color them as I need them to match my pages.
As you can see here once you put them on a page you dont know the difference but these letters were a yuckie greenish color at the start that I got from a discount store for 1.00 for the sheet.
I loved the size of these letters and even the shape of them but I never do a page that is appropriate for the use of pastel letters in four or five different colors (why they make them that way I dont know) so I buy them and make them black usually and if you do them like this and you run out of a vowel it wont matter because the color makes them all kinda blend and you can use different shaped ones together. Just a cheap way to get more for your money when doing sticky letter titles and journalling.
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