Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Winners of Templates from the Blog Hop

Everyone be sure to check out the sketch over at Scrapbook Challenges or Pamela's World of Scrap  this week. It is such a pretty sketch. Pamela knows how to sketch us up !

Here is the sketch and my page done using the sketch. This is one of my first couple Pages  for Scrapbook Challenges as a member of the fantastic design team. I'm so excited to be a part of the team.

(click on the photo to see details close up)

The Flowers on this page make me happy. (HeHe)  They are just circles of paper punched from graduating sizes of circles and then I drop each circle into a bowl of water and then wad it up and wring it out and place it into the shape I want it and when it all dries it becomes these great lollipop flowers.

The font is done using the cricut machine and my sure cuts a lot software. Love the new ability to print titles with unlimited text fonts :)

Oh and just incase anyone wants to know....I drew out the winners of the four free

Everyone be sure to watch, and buy, the Scrapbook Spinner Template that will air on HSN, The Home shopping Network around the 11th of January. I will keep you posted for the exact dates :)

The Hot Off the Press 15 Butterflies & Dragonflies template will also air soon on HSN.  Here is a link for itthe butterflies template in a kit sold on HSN.com. The day they air on HSN I will be giving one of each of them away to two lucky winners so be sure to check back here.

So here they are...the lucky winners...Oh and here is how I drew...I put a slip of paper into a hat for each of you as you followed me and commented...then I drew four out tonight...so it is totally random...I wanted to do a youtube of me drawing but we have been such a mess this week I dont even know where my camera is now...so here are the winners

1. Star Rork
2. Jennifer Hanson
3. Janet Z
4. Katrina Hunt

So girls you have won my very first ever blog candy :) message me at whbaisden@gmail.com and I will mail out your free Hot OFf the Press 15 Butterflies & Dragonflies templates !!! Congrats !!!



Star Rork said...

Well...woohoo, nice to see my name as a winner. And hello! I didn't realize you designed them yourself, how cool is that! Love the lo too, you really have to enlarge it to appreciate all those little details like your title!

laterg8r said...

great jammies lo - love those pics :D

Cindy Groh said...

Congrats ladies.

Janet's Joy said...

Yippee I'm a winner! Thanks so much Wendy. I can't wait to try out your template.

Leah's Crafty Life said...

What a gorgeous layout.. love the little details everywhere on your page!