I am a scrapbooker. I have invented and created products that sold on Home Shopping Network and in Scrapbooking shops around the World. I will be including Scrapbooking in this blog, of course ! I am also making up now some really cool prizes that you can win if you subscribe to the website on the homepage under the subscribe button and like us on facebook and repost the contest. That's a totally cool way to get more of your friends to be our friends and a great way for you to win some really cool stuff, huh :)

I am a geocacher. (www.geocaching.com) I have found over 16,000 geocaches around the country and am number two in finds in the state of West Virginia. I have a geocaching scavenger hunt trail in my town that I created with a friend called the Hatfield McCoy GeoTrail that has attracted geocachers from around the world and I had an accidental MEGA event in my yard when 518 people showed up to open the trail. This blog will certainly contain geocaching information.
I am a mom. I have two children, both boys. One is 10 and the other is 27. I like to say that I pace myself :) I admit that I am enjoying having the second son more than I did the first. I love them both but it just seems like it's easier the second time around. My body is older but so is my mind and that seems to make it easier for me to deal with the problems and challenges that come with having children. I learn from him daily and look forward to all that the future holds as his mom. This blog will certainly contain information about my life as a mother.
I am Bills Girl. Puddin' :) I know, gross, Right ? (LOL) I am the happiest that I have ever been in a relationship and this man is the best thing that ever happened to me. He has changed my life and made me a better mother, a better person, a better citizen, a better friend and there is nothing I would not do for him. He is my absolute happy place. This blog will absolutely contain random posts about our lives and adventures.
I am a crafter. A normal day in my life will contain some type of crafting activities. It's just part of what and who I am and Bill is as bad as I am at needing to make things with our hands. I love it and I hope to share some "how to" information with each of you so that you can learn to do some of the many crafts that we do in our home.
I am a quilter. Yes, I know, Where does the time come from...
I would need to live several lifetimes to do all the things that I enjoy. Let's just say that there will be lots of information here for most people who live lives and have a home and a family.
I hope you will follow the page and like me on facebook and keep coming back to see what else is going on in our world and we can somehow touch your life so that it's a little better for having shared in ours.
Have a great day and be sure to share the webpage with your friends so that we can build a following.
Also, be sure to subscribe and like us on facebook. And if you like contests and drawings you will enjoy it here !!!
For those of you who completely read this post...LOL...here is a little something for you to win....
How to Enter to Win the Coin...
1. Subscribe to This Blog on the top right side at the subscribe button !!!
2. Follow us on our Pinterest Page
3. Like us on Facebook at You Know You Want That
5. Leave a comment on this blog post at the bottom of the post saying you met these 5 requirements and you so want that coin and that's it....The entry will close for this promotion on Nov 15 so get on over and do the 5 things above and I will draw one random name on Nov 15 to win the awesome coin from those who have met these requirements and I will send them the coin and post the winners name in the comments on this post and on our Facebook and Pinterest Pages.
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