Thursday, July 1, 2010

Vacation & Blog catch up

I wanted to drop in for a quick post to tell all of you that I am not dead ! LOL
I have had so much going on in my life over the past month or two that I have not had much time to do the things that I love so much. (photography & scrapbooking & blogging)
I miss the blog. I feel as though so much has happened since my last post. I dont know where to even begin.
I am not ready to even try to sum it all up. I have not scrapbooked in over a month and for me that is a very long dry spell !
I promise....there is lots of scrapbooking still in me. I just gotta stop scrapin about my life for a few minutes and actually live thru this part....I guess I have always said...scrapbooking captures your memories but there are some prefer to forget !
Vacation is planned and I am super excited about the trip.
In my life I have always dreamed of going to certain places. I made a list years ago as a child. Over the past 20 years as a grown up I have crossed things off that list as I was blessed to do them. I posted that list some time ago. One of the things on it was to visit Hershey Pa and Gettysburg. I can not wait to get there this weekend and I am taking my laptop so that I can catch up on everyones blogs over the week. I am not really sure that I am a relax kinda person. I remember that once a long time ago I knew am hoping that a few days in I will be able to slow down enough and forget the B&B and just enjoy having NOTHING to do.
I will blog the vacation and hopefully all the great scrapbook stores I find along the way from WV to PA. If ya'll know of any places I cant miss be sure to comment me and let me know. Oh I so gotta get my picture standing on the dang Mason/Dixon Line ! lol
Okay the adventures await......